On Mon, 10 Jul 1995, Chris Coplan wrote:
> Bill Hughes wrote....
> >I purchased some plastic frames and foundation (sprayed with wax) and
> >placed in a upper hive body.  the bees are ignoring the plastic.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I've just started this year (early June / Richmond VA), with plastic
> frames/foundation, and my bees seem to love it - lots of brood, honey and
> pollen.  Just put the 2nd hive body (with plastic foundation) on Saturday.
This is an interesting subject.  I've just started using some (I bought
600 sheets) because the commercials around here have tried it and swear
by it.  I don't plan to ever use wax again.  The installation (into
frames I would throw away if I had to re-wire and scrape) is a breeze!
And it doesn't fall out on the way to the yards, and it doesn't get stale
if unused like wax.
The product I bought is Permadent from Webster SD.  I've tried the type
that comes cast in the in the frame too and it was accepted quite well.
It's name escapes me, but I am sure that someone will remind me. (Was it
Pierco?  I think so) I had both waxed and unwaxed and the waxed was
slightly better for acceptance.
I think there may be some more brands out there, so I' be interested in
knowing what people have learned about it and the cost.  I'm paying $1.09
CDN for a sheet of the Permadent (waxed) that is about 79 cents US.  Am I
paying too much????
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                        VE6CFK
Rural Route One   Swalwell   Alberta   Canada  T0M 1Y0
Email:   [log in to unmask]    or   [log in to unmask]
Futures, Art & Honey:http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~dicka