Dave Green writes:
>     I'm surprised no one has proposed the best solution - throw them away!
Yup, that *is* the best way.
But I do wish there was an easier way to get  used  to  the  stings.   I
started  without gloves and swelled up quite a lot the first few times I
got  stung.   Now  I  react  very  little  and  once  I'm  stung  I  get
philosophical.   Unfortunately  that doesn't stop me feeling aprehensive
when I start and 'jumping' every time I feel a bee on  the  back  of  my
hand  (I didn't used to when I started).  The jump is my problem and I'm
working on it slowly -- must try harder.
I always try to work the bees as though I'm not wearing gloves  and  I'm
rarely  stung  as  a  consequence.  BTW, I count stings into clothing as
'hits' even if I personally don't feel them.  Most of my stings are when
a  bee  gets  caught in the folds of the glove's cuff, which wouldn't be
there to trap them if I weren't wearing them!
>    On second thought, don't throw the gloves away, put them in the toolbox.
Good for weeding out stinging nettles!
>    Maybe I'm a bee venom junkie.  If I don't work the bees for a while, my
> knuckles swell and get stiff with arthritis.  So I welcome, at least, the
> first couple stings to get limbered up.  And I like to keep the swelling
> down, as that inflamation is what destroys the joints.
I  hear  various  friend-of-a-friend  stories  about  this.   You   seem
convinced  that bee venom does indeed help control arthitis.  Any others
on the list convinced?
Gordon Scott    [log in to unmask]         100332,3310 on CompuServe
Newsletter      [log in to unmask]      ditto
                Beekeeper, Kendo Sandan, sometime sailor.
                Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG22 5HP, UK
        PS -- whilst this is still in my 'out tray'.  True to my promise
        to  myself,  the  gloves  were  off today.  One sting (back of a
        little pinky) about 10 seconds after opening the first box, then
        nothing.   Very  fews  'jumps'  too -- I'm definitely getting my
        confidence back.  Thanks for your nice gentle encouragement  ;-)
        Right, now to continue with that spider phobia of mine.