From:          Mihaly [log in to unmask]@FDAORAPAR
Subject:       Capturing a Swarm
Date:          Monday, May 1, 1995 at 1:38:51 pm EDT
Certify:       N
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Im a small amateur beekeeper and on Saturday one of my hives swarmed. It
landed about 12feet high in a neighbors tree. I and a friend of mine got a
ladder and I climbed up empty hive in hand to retrieve  the swarm. I held the
hive under the cluster and with a gloved hand scooped the bulk of it into the
box. On the way down I dropped the box. ANGRY BEES EVERYWHERE! I then
reassembled the hive with some bees still in it and placed it nearby. The
remaining had reformed their cluster on the tree. The next day the bees on
the tree moved into the hive with the others,WOW. Two questions is this
behavior normal (the bees, not mine) and is there a better way of catching
and hiving a swarm? By the way thankx to those who answered my questions re
stinging queens and toxic honey.    Mihaly,Monroe WA
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