Hi fellow beekeepers,
     Yesterday I had the good fortune of having a very warm and still
day to work the bees.  I removed the winter insulation and
reorganized the hives and while I was spreading the brood I found
that many of the frames that the bees had filled were mostly pollen.
Here's my question, should I remove a couple of these frames and put
them into the freezer and return them the the bees in the late Fall
as winter stores?  I believe that the pollen is from maple and
willow trees in flower and the bees seem to have about three full
frames of pollen per hive.  Also how can I encourage the bees to not put
pollen into "honey" frames?  My limited experience last year showed
that upon extraction the pollen added a certain cloudiness to the
finished honey.
BTW ALWAYS put a mouse proof entrance on the hive before closing
them in for the winter, mice seem to enjoy the warmth and the company
during the long winter nights.
/   Question for the day:                           /
/   Do witches run spell checkers?                  /
/                                                   /
/   Cameron Skinner      [log in to unmask]  /
/   McGill University                               /
/   Room 221 Otto Mass Chemistry Bldg.              /
/   801 Sherbrooke St. West                         /
/   Montreal, Quebec, Canada                        /
/   H3A-2K6                                         /
/   Tel.   514-398-6231                             /