>>We have well water which is a great relief after hearing the pesticide and
>>chlorination threads.  Still, we don't want to drink the softened water
>>who knows what the neighbors are putting into the water table.  So we
>>purchased one of the dual filter Omni systems.  Cost was about $100 here
>>the US.  It has a carbon filter, a heavy metals filter and a small spigot
>>that mounts on the sink.  Replacement filters every year cost about $10
>>the carbon and $30 for the heavy metals.   Flow is about 1 gallon per
>One problem with using a carbon filter with unchlorinated well water is
that t
>activated carbon makes a great media for growing bacteria.
>You should have your filtered water tested.
>Also, you shouldn't soften water intended for drinking and food preparation
>Hard water will actually line the pipes with minerals (calcium, magnesium,
>[and plugs the pipes, given enough time. :) ] This practically eliminates
>and copper leaching into the water.
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Very true, Ed.  Consumer Reports list that as the chief disadvantage of this
type of system.  We have not had any problem that I know of over the past
three years (unexplained illness, etc).  I think with daily use, the buildup
of bugs is minimal but if I can, a test is a good idea.  The volume of the
system is also low, a couple of liters at most.
With filtered water like this (I think the system also has one of those 0.2
micron filters, but I need to check that), where do the bugs come from and
what do the bugs grow on...please don't answer this... this has been the
topic of discussion in Sci.Chem over the last few months concerning
distilled water.
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