Well I got the bug;).
         As many of you know I got my first hive last month & I now want to
see about doing it on the side. I have arranged to spend time with a
beekeeper to learn the trade secrets. He has agreed to sell me as many
hives as I want (he has 650). I am mainly interested in renting my hives
for pollination as I do not have the equipment yet for
extracting/processing etc. I am trying to get some commitments from farmers
for hives for next season. I have a lot of questions, bear with me.
Remember I live in north Florida when you ponder my questions.
1.How many hives can one manage evenings & Saturdays?
2.What problems have you encountered renting hives that I need to know
3.My bee mentor says he never has signed a contract with farmers. I think
that is asking for trouble. Do you? If so what contract do you have?
4. Have you had a lot of bee kills from pesticides or vandalism?
5. How about liability if someone gets stung in the field?
6. I was thinking of having a trial year with say 30 hives but I understand
most farmers need well over 50 for their fields. Should I take the plunge &
buy over 50 or try to find someone that could use 30?
7. When do you get payed, before the crop, after or 50/50?
8. How do you handle the...IRS?
Thanks for your help.
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