Matthew J Allan BSc NDB
Editor of Bee Biz
41 George Street
Eastleigh S050 9BT
phone + 1703 617969
e-mail ruxbury
22nd April 1995
Could I request some help from knowledgable users of the lnternet? I am editor
of Bee Biz,
which is a new magazine for commercial beekeepers around the world. The first
issue will
come out in tune for Apitnondia in August of this year. I am keen to (a) include
an article for
novices like myself which would be an introduction to the Intemet, describing
how to, costs,
why and benefits to my beekeeping, and (b) include some sort of directory of the
information and contacts that can be accessed - I guess that the latter would
need to be
regularly updated.
Can anyone help, or point me in any particular direction?
Many thanks.
Matthew J ABan