>I want to clarify a comment made earlier that Terramycin in extender
I enjoy reading your articles in the ABJ. Look forward to getting my April
As someone who rents bee colonies for crop pollination, I need all the help
I can get.
Am looking for recent studies done on the number of colonies/bees per acre
of the various crops. But not much out there. I was given the name of a good
book on pollination by Wayne Buhler of Purdue University. But he added that
it is out of print. The book is entitled, "Insect Pollination of Cultivated
Crop Plants"  Agriculture Handbook No. 496 Agricultural Research Service,
USDA, written by S.E. McGregor in 1976.
If you (or anyone reading this) knows where I might get a copy of this book
I would be very appreciative.
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