Jean-Marie Vandyck writes:
> Jean-Marie Vandyck wrote:          [Belgium 05-Apr-95 10:55]
> > In Belgium we have 2 (two) prices for the Apistan strips
> > ...
> > and it is the price described by Hugo : about $21 by a 10 strips package.
> > ...
> > one package of 10 strips : BEF 995.- (with VAT 12%) = about $32
> Gordon Scott asked:
> > Aren't those prices for 20 strips not 10?
> Not at all: you have a kit of 10 precut strips in the same boxes for
> these 2 prices !  Sorry !
Ouch.  People here in the UK have been telling me that Apistan  is
cheaper  than  Bayvarol (our only locally approved treatment), but
our price is around 25UKP (about $38?) for  _20_  strips  or  five
treatments.  Apistan is also normally a four-strip treatment isn't
> Salut,
Which language please? (Flemish?)
Best regards,
Gordon Scott          [log in to unmask]   Compuserve 100332,3310
Basingstoke Beekeeper [log in to unmask]