>         Reply to:   RE>Swarm Traps
>  A box of new frames and foundation does a good job.
   I would like to comment on the above response.  I have now done
experiments comparing swarm occupation of swarm hives of the following
types: large tub (9 gal.), small tub (6 gal.), rectangular without frames,
and rectangular with frames of foundation.
   The only one of those four types that failed to become occupied by
swarms were the rectangular types with frames of foundation.  The mice
loved them, though and eventually destroyed the foundation.
   In a related tally, I found that natural cavities that have been
formerly occupied by colonies actually became occupied more frequently than
any of the swarm hive types (see Wenner and Thorp.  Dec. 1993.  AMERICAN
BEE JOURNAL, p. 870, abstracts 19 and 20).  That is true, even if filled
with wax moth coccoons and detritus from their leavings.
   Now, in cooperation with Justin Schmidt, I am running an experiment
directly comparing the efficacy of small swarm tubs against formerly
occupied natural cavities.  Perhaps I will have sufficient results by the
end of the season to report on them at the ABRC meetings in Georgia next
fall (Do I have the place correct?).
   A final point:  Old time beekeepers have told me that a used super with
a couple of old combs is all one needs for a "decoy hive" as some of them
term it.
* Adrian Wenner        E-Mail   [log in to unmask]  *
* Department of Biology        Office Phone    (805) 893-2838 *
* University of California     Lab Phone       (805) 893-2838 *
* Santa Barbara, CA  93106     FAX             (805) 893-4724 *