It's common practice among beekeepers in the UK not to use Bayvarol when
honey supers are on.  Nevertheless, Bayer, in their instructions are
somehat ambiguous in this respect.  Here are some extracts from the
instructions covering this and similar questions that have been asked on
bee-l over the last few days:-
When to use:
Best efficacy is to be expected when Bayvarol is
used in late summer after the honey harvest.  Ideally
the strips should not be used during peak honey
flow periods.  However, Bayvarol can be used at any
time of the year for diagnosis or in severe infes-
tations where there is a threat to the survival of the
1. Diagnosis
   The strips are inserted into the colony for 24
   Before inserting the strips the floor tray is
   covered with a clean sheet of paper.  This is then
   checked for the presence of dead varroa mites
   24 houres later.
2. Therapy
   The strips should be left in the colonies for a
   maximum of six weeks and then removed.
For Animal Treatment Only
Keep out of the reach of children
For diagnosis and therapy of Varroasis on bees only
Avoid the strips coming into contact with honey to
be harvested for human consumption
Protection of Operators:
When using do not eat, drink or smoke.  Wash hands
before meals and after work.
Protection of consumers:
No withdrawal period for honey is required regard-
less of when in the year Bayvarol is used.  Other bee
produce should not be taken for human consump-
tion until the Spring following the treatment.
Pharmaceutical Precautions:
Store in a cool dry place away from food.
Do not open the foil bags until immediately prior to
Do not use after expiry date.
Dispose of used strips safely by wrapping in paper
and placing them in domestic refuse.
Flumethrin is dangerous to fish; Do not contaminate
ponds, waterways or ditches with the strip or used
Malcolm Roe                                Phone  :  +44 1442 345104
Crosfield Electronics Ltd                  Fax    :  +44 1442 343000
Hemel Hempstead, Herts. HP2 7RH, UK        E-mail :  [log in to unmask]