hi Guy,
 >         I am in the process of designing a new bee
 > flight room (bfr) at
 > Rothamsted, which we hope to use to rekindle our work
 > on pheromones and
 > semiochemicals. I am interested in info on bfr's from
 > anyone with experience of
 > them, and preferably with an up to date WORKING
 > version. I am familiar with Van Praagh'sa system, but
 > I want to try and develop a more modern version of
 > his classic design.
 > If anyone can help me directly, or knows of someone
 > who can, please contact me
I understand Job Van Praagh is still routinely using bfr's
for his work at Celle, Germany.
He's probably improved on his initial design, and why not ask him for details by sending a message to him via the European Beenet. If you send email to me ( adress below) and state clearly it should go to Job,
I'll forward it to Van Praagh!
sincerely, Hugo
               @ @             Hugo Veerkamp
| reply to:                     BEENET INTERNATIONAL               |
| [log in to unmask] mail : the Bee bbs       |
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