In the October issue of L'Abeille de France, Jean-Paul Faucon, renowned french
bee pathologist signs an article confirming the resistance of varroa to Apistan
in several provinces of Italy.  The situation seems quite severe.  50% losses
were reported in Piemont last spring.  Important losses also occurred in
Ligurie.  Doctor Max Watkins from Sandoz (in charge of the research department
in London) was to bring some precisions at the Xth National Convention of the
French Beekeeping to be held on Oct 15th.
Does anybody knows what the recent developpments are?
I read with interest the the last issue of Apis.  The possible "revenge" of bugs
and microorganisms we fight from our colonies is a big concern for me.   I think
the TM approach of the AFB problem that prevails in north America is a
dangerous.  I am convinced that it is possible to operate large commercial
operation without TM.  I operate a commercial apiary (550 hives and 1400 mating
nucs) since 1977 and I have never used the drug.  Yearly inspection of all the
colonies, replacement of the combs every 4-6 years has been sufficient to keep a
good control of the situation.  I also had to destroy or shake colonies
occasionnally, but very few.  Less that one per year on average.   TM is
dangerous since it only hides problems or potential problems.  Unfortunately,
for most beekeepers who have been using TM for years, it is very difficult to
stop using it.
' JEAN-PIERRE CHAPLEAU                         eleveur de reines/bee breeder '
' Chapleau & Courtemanche enr.                                               '
' 1282, rang 8, St-Adrien, Quebec, Canada, J0A 1C0                           '
' [log in to unmask]                         tel./phone (819) 828-3396 '