We found it easy to raise wax moth larvae and without destroying combs.
Here is the recipe that worked:
100ml honey
100ml glycerin
1200ml dry baby cereal (e.g., Gerber high protein)
30ml water
   Mix thoroughly, place in a wide mouth glass jar (e.g., gallon), and lay
a mass of wax moth pupae on top of the mixture.  Keep in a warm place (80F
or 27C).  After adults emerge, watch for egg mass production and
fast-moving young larvae.  Note the heat generated by their metabolism.
* Adrian Wenner        E-Mail   [log in to unmask]  *
* Department of Biology        Office Phone    (805) 893-2838 *
* University of California     Lab Phone       (805) 893-2838 *
* Santa Barbara, CA  93106     FAX             (805) 893-4724 *