I am requesting a favor from the Bee-L.  The Montana Beekeepers
Association Annual Meeting is ongoing in Missoula, MT.  On Saturday, many
of them are coming over to the campus for short courses on mite detection
and computers.
Five years ago, two used computers.  Now over half do.  Eight have signed
up for a course on Computer Basics for people who have never touched a
computer!  Most signed up for some lessons and a discussion of software
available for beekeepers.
Another group wants to explore the INTERNET!  Tomorrow morning (Saturday)
between 10 a.m. to noon, they will be on the net.
As a demonstration of the power of the Net, I'd like to have some
messages sent to them from around the world.  A quick howdy would
suffice.  If you'd like to strike up a conversation (sort of an
electronic pen pal, that would be nice).  These people are all commercial
beekeepers running from 2000 to 10000 colonies.  Almost all migrate
between Montana and northern California.
So as to not bother the rest of the Bee-L members, please send your
messages to my personal address:  [log in to unmask]
Jerry Bromenshenk
Research Professor
The University of Montana
P.S.  Software we found to demonstrate includes: Bee Aware, PC-REDAPOL,
PC-TMITE, PC-BEEPOP, BEE ECONOMICS (not available for distribution, but
we have the draft manuals).
If you know of any others, please respond with a brief description - who,
what, where, costs, platform, etc.
Thanks Again