Will someone kindly advise this hobbyist on the use of
Our state bee inspector has found varroa mites in my hives, and I have
ordered and received Apistan strips.
The leaflet published by Zoecon, the manufacturer, indicates that the strips
may be placed in the hive at any
time without affecting the honey.  "Scientific analysis
proves that Apistan leaves no detectable residue in honey."
However, when I read the package of Apistan itself I find these instructions:
 "Remove honey supers before
application of Apistan strips and do not replace until the
end of the control period."
Which advice is correct?   And if I have to keep my honey
supers off the hive for at least 28 days where are all my
bees going to be during this time?   They certainly cannot
all fit into the brood chamber.
Thanks in advance for whatever help any can give me.
Zoecon should not be so contradictory.
F. J. Chase