Thanks Robbee for your response to Mr. Rodgers attack on pollen.
Even if he were 100 percent correct, I find the general tenor
of his message repugnant.
I have wondered for some time about the potential of bee pollen
to contain pesticides and other contaminants.  My assumption
is that the pollen is collected prior to the bees' entry into
the hive (isn't there some device that knocks it out of thos
eat little sacks?). If the bees processed the pollen prior to
it's collection, then they would probably succomb to the
Do you have information re this or perhaps a pointer?
Thanks again. Walt
Walt Dennig  ([log in to unmask])
P.O.Box 578, Santa Cruz CA 95061-0578 USA
408-426-6141 FAX 408-457-2104