> What I did was hang a rag that was soaked in kerosene in front of, and just
> above the entrance, of my hive.
> This is supposed to be offensive to outsider or robber bees, but not to the
> bees that reside within.
> Again, I say, it may be coincidence, but it really worked for me, and I
> would like to pass it on.
hehehehe....heres an idea.....maybe if you soak all your beekeeping
gear in kerosene, all the bees will stay away from you....though I
doubt it.
It has been my experience that bees will attack anything oily, wheter
it is motor oil, vegetable oil, suntan oil or just body oil.  I would
assume also (though I could be wrong..please remember that) that if
the rag is to close to the entrance of the hive, the bees aren't
going to come OUT either.   Have you compared produciton in a
kerosene protected hive with another hive???  I would be interested
to know if you are promoting drifting and the like.