|Software Release Information: |
|  PC-REDAPOL crop pollination |
|  model for IBM/compatables.. |
|  Featuring BEES as chief     |
|  pollinators!                |
PC-REDAPOL has been released to the general public on an anonymous FTP site at
the University of Arizona for unrestricted access.  Users unable to access
the site may "snail mail" our lab for the latest release on disk.
FTP ADDRESS=  ag.arizona.edu
  USER NAME=  anonymous
   PASSWORD=  <your e-mail address>
  DIRECTORY=  pub/usda/PC-Redapol
General Instructions...
If you wish to obtain a copy of this software via FTP, please e-mail myself
([log in to unmask] A. Templin) BEFORE DOWNLOADING the
package.  The SUBJECT should be "SUBSCRIBE=PC-REDAPOL" and the text should
include simply your e-mail and/or US/air mail address.  We would like to
keep track of who and how many people are accessing PC-REDAPOL publicly.
Please be sure to mail us--it's for our own records and continuing survey.
If you already know how to FTP, great.  Download ALL files from the
PC-Redapol directory on to a diskette.  The files amount to approximately
750 KB and therefore should fit on a double-sided 3.5" diskette.  After
downloading, exit out of your communications program and switch to the
diskette directory (ex. A:\).  Type "install" and the software will do the
A copy of our simplified "How to FTP" text can be sent to you on request.
Several copies have already been distributed.  For further information
regarding downloading and using a UNIX-based FTP system, I suggest working
with your system administrator or other qualified persons.  Unfortunately,
I am afraid I cannot be of much assistance over e-mail or on the phone.
Please report any and all problems, bugs, or difficulties to me as soon as
possible.  For help running the simulation model or for more information on
PC-Redapol, please contact Dr. Gloria Degrandi-Hoffman at her e-mail
address: [log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
Carl Hayden Bee Research Center
2000 E Allen Rd
Tucson, AZ 85719
(602) 670-6380