HI, I stayed logoff for some days.
I would to know how do I get the PC-REDAPOL.
On the other hand, I need some informations about bees wax's legislation,
around the world.
Anybody can help me?
 VAGNER TOLEDO                                 +++     +++
 UNIV. EST. MARINGA  -  DZO                     ___---___      BIENE
                                              00)       (00      ODER
 COLOMBO AV.  3690                            00)       (00       BIENE?
 87020-900  MARINGA - PR - BRAZIL              (-=======-)
 TEL. (044) 2262727 R.319            ,% %%& &. (!!!!!!!!!) .%  %&% %
 FAX. 00-55-044-2222754            ,%          *(!!!!!!!)*          %,
                                             *   (     )   *
                                            *     ( ! )     *
 BITNET: VGTOLEDO AT BRFUEM               *         "         *