A rare book dealer has found an extensive collection of over 50 bee journals,
including all the major USA, British and Canadian publications, plus a number
of short run publications and some from foreign countries (Major titles are
Am. Bee Journal, Apicultural Abstracts, Bee Craft, Bee World, Canadian Bee
Journal, Journal of Apicultural Research) English journals only. There is
also a collection of bulletins, circulars, ag experiment station reports,
etc. Many are pre-1950.
This collection would be ideal for a university or college which is trying to
set up a bee library. This is the largest collection I have seen on the
market in my 28 years of working with bees and the bee industry.
The asking price is very reasonable for what is involved. If you are
interested in a copy of the list, I can mail or fax it to you. I have not
seen the list, the dealer says only some are bound volumes.
Larry Connor
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203-250-7575 voice or fax