Hello David Hinz,
I try (sometimes) to respond for your e-mail, but not get and I was travelling.
I am working with africanized, italian bees and their hybrids about behaviour
of construction of the comb with beeswax and parafin, life time of worker bees
and queen development of these bees in the region of Maringa State of Parana,
Brazil (more or less in the tropic of Capricorn) and thermoregulation
I would like to receive your sugestion
With Regards
                          Vagner Toledo
 VAGNER TOLEDO                                 +++     +++
 UNIV. EST. MARINGA  -  DZO                     ___---___      BIENE
                                              00)       (00      ODER
 COLOMBO AV.  3690                            00)       (00       BIENE?
 87020-900  MARINGA - PR - BRAZIL              (-=======-)
 TEL. (044) 2262727 R.319            ,% %%& &. (!!!!!!!!!) .%  %&% %
 FAX. 00-55-044-2222754            ,%          *(!!!!!!!)*          %,
                                             *   (     )   *
                                            *     ( ! )     *
 BITNET: VGTOLEDO AT BRFUEM               *         "         *