>         Who is the most reliable equipment vendor with the lowest prices?
>         My original equipment came from Mann Lake.  The order contained
>         damaged parts and had backorders for six weeks.  I've also heard
>         horror stories about Kelly hive bodies not being standard size.
        I ordered a bunch of stuff from Mann Lake this spring and it came
sooner than expect. I was quite satisfied.
        The cheapest prices I found for woodenware was Western Bee Supply.
I got their cheapo grade hive bodies and they seem fine. I also got their
cheapo grade frames which left a little to be desired. I'll probably get
the hive bodies again, but I'll definately go up in grade for the frames!
Dave D. Cawley            |             If it's not worth doing,
University Of Scranton    |             it's not worth doing right.
Scranton, Pennsylvania    |
[log in to unmask]      |                     -Dave Barry