After a quick trip to the archives (the banana boxes full of
photocopies down in the garage) I did find the article I knew I
had one time seen!  Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids:  Their Occurance in
Honey from Tansy Ragwort (Seneccio jacobaea L.), Deinzer, ML;
Thomson, PA; Burgett, DM; Isaacson, DL.  Science.  Vol 195, 4
February 1977.  Pages 497-499.  "Abstract:  The hepatotoxic
alkaloids known to occur in tansy ragword are also present in
honey produced from the nectar of this species.  These alkaloids,
which include senecionine, seneciphylline, jacoline, jaconine,
jacobine, and jacozine, are potentially carcinogenic, mutagenic,
and teratogenic and may pose health hazards to the human
consumer."  I don't know what "teretogenic" means, and I'm not
really sure I *want* to know, as I've already eaten my share of
ragwort honey!
          Nick Wallingford
      Bay of Plenty Polytechnic
 (East coast, N Island, New Zealand)
     Internet [log in to unmask]