Further to the discussion. Even if a species is resistant due to
grooming and so on, it is unlikely ever to be totally free of a parasite
like varroa. Apis Cerana the original host species co-exists with Varroa
it does _not_ eradicate it. The problem with Apis Mellifera it that it
doesn't even recognise Varroa as a threat, so it doesn't (unless the
rumour is true) even try to groom it out. If one treats Apis Cerana with
Apistan one will get Varroa knockdown, even though Apis Cerana is
Buckfast bees _are_ pretty resistant to tracheal mites as are most UK
origin bees (although Buckfasts are now bred in the Canary Islands).
Incidently, I use some New Zealand/U.K. cross bees and find them very
nice to keep, prolific and good workers if a little hungry in the winter.
I haven't used American bees (yet?) because of recent import restrictions
into the UK due to Varroa. The NZs I've used have been susceptible to
tracheal mite which is somthing of a down side.
        Regards, Gordon.