Cough drops are not registered for use in beehives!
Many beekeeping supply outlets sell packets to treat one hive. Kelly and Mann
Lake for two.
In message Discussion of Bee Biology writes:
> > This is my first posting to your list, and I apologize for posting
> > if this issue has been discussed already. I maintain three hives
> > "just for fun" but in the last year received my education regarding
> > varroa (and perhaps tracheal mites, but I can't tell). This year
> > I've put some crisco patties in my hives and attempted to purchase some
> > menthol. Alas the only amounts that I can purchase appear to be for
> > 25 hives- much more than I think I could use. Is there any source
> > for smaller amounts, say something like 9 ounces for so?
> I had an old time beekeeper suggest ordinary menthol cough drops.  (He
> suggested Luden's).  Read the label and look for ones that don't contain
> things possibly harmful to bees (that is they're pretty much limited to
> menthol, and sugar/corn syrup/honey, and color/flavoring.
> I think he suggested 3 boxes per hive.
> -Mike
University of Minnesota
Department of Entomology
219 Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108-6125
(612) 624-6740
fax (612) 625-5299