On Fri, 15 Apr 1994, Michael Moroney wrote:
> I had an old time beekeeper suggest ordinary menthol cough drops.  (He
> suggested Luden's).
> I think he suggested 3 boxes per hive.
Huh? Why not try "MENTHOL"? The stearopten of Mentha?
It can be purchased in many, many places in many forms...a "Peppermint Patty"
would be better than cough drops as far as content of Menthol. Oil of Mentha
Piperita is ubiquitous in health food stores, pharmacies etc. I mix it
with warm cocoa butter <more expensive but I find it to be much more
effective than Crisco> make small wafers and place them in several places
in the hive. I have added sugar syrup to a few. Good luck.