Thanks to all who pointed out my gender faux paus (and thanks to Adrian
for _HIS_ tolerance!) To quote(?) Beavis (or was it Butthead):
"sexism sucks - genderlessness rules!!!  he he hehehehehe he"
Unfortunately, I got *LOTS* of mail on that topic, but none about how
to send bees to Beltsville.  So, due to the underwhelming response on
the *important* :-)  part of my last note:
I need (still) the address to send bee samples to the Beltsville Bee
lab, and instructions on how to prepare the bees for shipment.
Rick Hough, Hamilton, MA USA.
[log in to unmask]
P.S.  At 10 AM local time, north of Boston, we have about 4-5 inches of
brand new snow, the heavy wet kind.  Total accumulations of about
12 inches are expected out of this storm.  Happy Spring! (can you tell
the weather is getting to me???)