I'm about to order and construct a large quantity of frames.  In the
past I have always user wedged tops and grooved bottoms in combination
with crimped wire foundation with the hooks at the top.  I'm not looking
forward to the tedious task of nailing all the wedges back on and have
also found that the top hooks sometimes cause the foundation to warp.
Therefore, I have been considering using a grooved tops/crimped wire, no
hooks combination instead.
Are there any opinions or, better yet, hands-on experience regarding the
different frame/foundation options, including options not mentioned
above?  I've never been fond of plastic core or plastic core/metal
reinforced foundation with the cute little communication holes at the
bottom corners, as they always seemed somewhat hokey to me.  But there
may be others out there with different opinions or experience.  So, what
would be considered the ideal frame/foundation combination and what is
it about that combination that makes it ideal?