dear Beelisters:
who can provide us with a list of cubital-indexes for several honeybee -races?
we are planning to use this for a computer program for calculating indexes
from measurements. If we have a list of known indexes, the program can also
tell the user which rac his measured bees belong to..
please leave answer here or send to adress below :
                                Hugo Veerkamp
   |                          BEENET INTERNATIONAL                    |
   | E-mail :                              | mail : the Bee bbs       |
   | [log in to unmask]        P.O. BOX 51008    |
   |      ( or press reply button)         |        1007EA AMSTERDAM  |
   |  please send newsletters to:          |        The Netherlands   |
   |      [log in to unmask]             |                          |
   |                                       |                          |
   | Beenet : 240:31/0                     | modem: +31 20 6764105    |
   | Fidonet: 2:2801/28                    | voice: +31 20 6715663    |
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