0915 - 29 Nov. 1993
        On page 637 in the volume, HIVE AND THE HONEY BEE, a recipe for
"sugar candy" (used in supplemental feeding) includes cream of tartar.
That would indicate that cream of tartar should not be a problem.
        What you might do is try some feeding on a few hives and keep close
watch on the bees therein (e.g., experiment).  Again, as suggested, starch
will settle to the bottom after water is added, so you can eliminate that
problem quite easily.
                                                Adrian M. Wenner
* Adrian Wenner        E-Mail   [log in to unmask]  *
* Department of Biology        Office Phone    (805) 893-2838 *
* University of California     Lab Phone       (805) 893-2838 *
* Santa Barbara, CA  93106     FAX             (805) 893-4724 *