FROM:  James Harley Cane, Associate Professor
TO:    [log in to unmask]
         available beginning winter quarter, 1994
USDA-sponsored 3-year collaborative research project to assess the
consequences of doubled UV exposure for sexual reproduction of
flowering plants and their pollinators.  This intensification of
UV irradiation is predicted to result if stratospheric ozone
continues to be depleted over the next 25 years.
Research at Auburn will focus on pollinator fitness, using a
species of stem-nesting bee.  Females will be constrained to
provision their nests with pollen and nectar gathered at treated or
control plants in greenhouse experiments.  Experience gained will
be widely applicable to global change research, experimental
pollination and foraging ecology, and studies of herbivory.
Interested students with a background in ecology, botany or
entomology are encouraged to apply.  Applicants should have a MS or
BS plus relevant research experience.  Send a resume with
transcripts, GPA, GRE scores and cover letter to:
     Jim Cane, Department of Entomology, Auburn University,
                    Auburn, AL 36849-5413
Questions may be directed to the above address, or by e-mail to
                     [log in to unmask]
      * Screening of candidates will begin September 15 *