I notice in Tom Sanford's APIS newsletter, the followup comment re an incident
in Italy, interpretted as Varroa resistant to Apistan.
A few months ago, I asked a Sandoz (Zoecon) rep about this and was told they
investigated and have  concluded that the strips used in the incident were
counterfeit Apistan (containing no fluvalinate), in a package with a counterfeit
The different interpretations should be fairly easy to demonstrate. Does any one
have further information?
While we're talking Apistan, have any of you made conclusions regarding the
effect of Apistan tabs on queens in queen cages? I've heard that the common
practice of queen shippers is to reduce the exposure of queens, through cutting
the tabs in half or making them less immediately accessible to the queen.
Kerry Clark, Apiculture Specialist
B.C. Ministry of Agriculture
1201 103 Ave
Dawson Creek B.C.
        V1G 4J2  CANADA          Tel (604) 784-2225     fax (604) 784-2299
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