On Fri, 28 May 1993, DOUG 'SPEAKER-TO-INSECTS' YANEGA wrote:
> > There is a lot of "secrets" in bumblebees rearing (business?).
> > Good Luck.      Regards.                Jean-Marie
> Gee, am I the only person who finds that restricting the exchange of
> biological information due to profit-making considerations is just a
> *bit* disheartening? What's next? Patents on rearing techniques?
> Royalties when people use a bee that you've conducted research on for
> pollination? Doesn't seem much like science any more when the primary
> hypothesis being tested is how much profit one can achieve. :-(
> -------(please include "DY" in subj header of mail to this user)--------
> Doug "Speaker-To-Insects" Yanega      "UT!"       Bitnet: KUENTO@UKANVAX
> My card: 0 The Fool       (Snow Museum, Univ. of KS, Lawrence, KS 66045)
> "Ev-ry-bo-dy loves the Michigan RAAAAaaaaag!" - The Singing Frog
boy doug, if *this* depresses you, don't take a close look at human
genetic research -- i'd hate to lose you <g>!
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