I too am leery of the USENET thing...economies of scale seems to be
a real issue here...how big does the list want to get and what does
its growth mean...?
Does anybody have a published reference to the impact of Apis mellifera
introduction into the new world.  A colleague would like to use this
as a discussion topic in class...what impact on both native plants and
native insects was generated by this introduction?  There are several
interesting questions/comments here;  one is that the introduction is
continuing with a wild population of Apis, the African bees...another is
that here in Gainesville Florida a beekeeper has been given some notice
that he might have to move off a preserve (Paines Prairie) because his
honey bees are not natural and are upsetting the natural ecosystem of
the preserve....the preserve of course has all kinds of unnatural
organims including a small herd of Bison...
Tom Sanford       Extension Apiculturist   University of Florida
Mailing Address:  Bldg 970, Hull Rd., Gainesville, FL 32611-0620
Voice phone  904/392-1801, Ext. 143
FAX  904/392-0190
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