Hi all,
Our USENET server here at Davis has recently started adding bitnet listserver
groups as newsgroups.  There seems to be quite a bit of work to do before
bee-l can be added, and one is the survey of current subscriber opinions.
So, what does everyone think?
My opinion?  I think bee-l would reach a lot more people since more people
scan through newsgroups than listserver group listings.  There will be more
postings and more discussions.  And one can follow a discussion thread
much more easily.  This also will allow one to free up one's e-mailbox.
You don't log on to face >50 messages because all mail will be "posted" on
a local server and everyone at that institution can just read the postings.
I should have contacted the sysadmin. of bee-l, but I don't have the
person's name or address right now.  Could anyone give this info to me?
Paul C. Cheng ([log in to unmask])     "The French find my music beyond
Department of Entomology, UC Davis      their powers of performance."
(916) 752-0333 (lab)                                -  L. van Beethoven
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&  Droles de gens que ces gens-la!  &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&