I agree with the astute observation that beekeepers and bee scientist can
and should and do talk to each other-that is the beauty of this wonderful
form of communication. I am an apiary inspector in Virginia. Half my job
is devoted to disease prevention/eradication, but the other half is to
learn and disseminate information to my clients-the beekeepers in my region
Now, a commercial beekeeper in the Shenandoah Valley is not as interested in
the physics of orientation, yet that same person knows a large amount of
things about bees and their behavior that most researchers could not learn
or would want to learn.
Point in fact, let the forum be open, and we can all benefit. If something is
not to your liking or interest then delete it.
Adam Finkelstein
Apiary Inspector
116 Reservoir St.
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
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