The 8th American Bee Research Conference will be held in Rudder Hall
on the campus of Texas A&M University in College Station Texas.
Meeting dates are Monday and Tuesday, Septemeber 27 and 28, 1993.
Presentations of research are restricted to unpublished research
involving the genus Apis.  Abstracts of the proceedings of the
conference will be published about 2 months later in the December
issue of the American Bee Journal.  For more information contact John
Harbo, Honey Bee Breeding Lab., 1157 Ben Hur Road, Baton Rouge, LA
70820, USA.  Tele. 504 766-6064, E mail [log in to unmask]
or FAX 504 389-0383.
The main purpose of these meetings is to provide an opportunity for
scientists to present their current work to those present as well as
to a worldwide audience via the American Bee Journal.  A second
objective is to get to know other apiculturists in an informal social
setting as well as in a structure of scientific presentation and
discussion.  For those arriving on Saturday, there is an informal
buffet.  Sunday will have the annual meeting of the AAPA (American
Association of Professional Apiculturists), optional field trips, and
of course more food.  Paper presentations will be Monday (8 - 5) and
Tuesday until about 1PM.