26 April 1993 / 0800
        Hi Jane,
        Thanks for replying to that last message -- it saves me the
trouble of looking up Lee Watkins' paper once again.
        Our article in GLEANINGS IN BEE CULTURE should be out next month
or so.  As a result of your initial query, I was able to spot two small
errors in the original manuscript and FAX corrections to the editor before
it was too late.
        The most important one (in case I haven't informed you earlier)
was that it was "commercial" beekeeping that first occurred in Ventura in
1873 (not 1875), not beekeeping as such.  That means that some ranch
beekeeping could have been done here in Santa Barbara maybe 10 years
sooner that the date of 1875 that we had used in the earlier version.
        Best wishes.                    Adrian