Can bees hear?                          0815 / 22 Feb. 1993
        For those interested, a paper I published back in 1962 should be of
                Communication with queen honeybees by substate sound.
                SCIENCE.  138: 446-448.
I believe that paper contains the first direct evidence that bees can perceive
and react predictably to sounds.  A 1964 review article in SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN
shows some of the types of sounds produced by bees (210: 116-124).
        However, that was during the time that I believed bees had a "language"
and when I was trying to determine the involvement of sound in that process.
Times have now changed, however.
        Best wishes.
                                        Adrian M. Wenner
                                        Prof. of Natural History, Emeritus
> I'll have to sheaf thru to find the ref. but I recall a recent
> article showing evidence that bees indeed do hear.