A source of information and comments concerning BEE-SOUNDS are certainly:
- Axel Michelsen
  Institute of Biology
  Odense University
  DK 5230 - Odense, Denmark
- Wolfgang Kirchner
  Zoologisches Institut II der Universitaet Wuerzburg
  D8700 Wuerzburg, FRG
It will be of great utility to get their papers, particularly:
- "Sound and vibration signals in the dance language of the honeybee". Behav.
 Ecol.  Sociobiol. 18, 207-212, 1986.
- "The tooting and quacking vibration signals of honeybee queens: a quantitative
 analysis". J. Comp. Physiol. 158, 605-611, 1986.
- "Hearing in honeybees: detection of air-particle oscillations" (Kirchner
 Towne). Science 244, 686-68
- "Strategies for Acoustic Communication in a Crowded Society, the hive of the
 honeybee" in Neural Mechanisms of Behaviour (Erber, Menzel et al, eds.),
 279-280, G. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1989.
and also the phantastic works of Michelsen on a honeybee robot.
Martin Giurfa
Lab. of Behavioural Physiology
University of Buenos Aires
FCEyN - 4o piso - Pab. II - Cdad. Universitaria
CP 1428 Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
				Insectos Sociales