Ed Southwick
(c/o Bruce Cady)
Concerning the references on bee ocellar function, I would also addition to the
 complete list provided by C.P. Milne the following;
- "Motion Sensitivity Descending Interneurons, Ocellar LD Neurons and Neck
 Motoneurons in the Bee: A Neural Substrate for Visual Course Control in Apis
 mellifera"; in <<Neurobiology & Behavior of Honeybees>>, (Menzel & Mercer eds.)
 Springer Verlag 1987,
pp 158-171.
- "The Ocellar System of the Honeybee"; in <<Neurobiology & Behavior of
 Honeybees>>. J.J. Milde, (Menzel & Mercer eds.) Springer Verlag 1987, pp
- "Fine Structure of the dorsal ocellus of the worker honeybee". Toh & Kubawara.
 J. Morphol 142, 285-306, 1974.
- "Circadian change of compound eye sensitivity is not governed by the ocelli in
 honeybees", J.J. Milde. Exp. Biol. 44, 141-145, 1985.
- "Organization and physiology of the insect dorsal ocellar system"; in
 <<Handbook of Sensory Physiology>> (Goodman, L.J.), Vol VII, 6C ed. H. Autrum,
 pp 201-286, Springer Verlag, 1981.
In any case, it would be of great utility to contact Juergen J. Milde at:
 European Molecular Biology Laboratory
 Meyerhofstrasse 1,
 D-6900 Heidelberg,
 Martin Giurfa
 Lab. of Behavioural Physiology
 FCEyN - University of Buenos Aires
 4o piso, Pab II-Cdad Universitaria
 CP 1428 Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA
				Insectos Sociales