The organization of the First National Meeting for the Regulation and
 Control of Bee Pathology is progressing. The symposium arises facing some
 recent cases of American Locque declared in Argentina.
    My friends of the Argentine Beekeeper Society (S.A.D.A.) asked me to use
 BEE-L for collecting international information concerning control rules for all
 aspects of varroatosis and other acarine diseases, bacterial and protozoic
 diseases, virus diseas
es and fungal infections.
    They are particularly interested in International Legislation for the
 statement of sanitary barriers for bees' diseases.
    Should you wish to provide related information, please send it via BEE-L to
 me or via air mail to:
Dr. Alicia De la Riva
Sociedad Argentina de Apicultores (S.A.D.A.)
Rivadavia 717 - 8 piso
CP 1392 Buenos Aires
Many thanks for all.
Martin Giurfa
Lab. of Behavioral Physiology
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Buenos Aires
				Insectos Sociales