In answer to your query, ANY solitary or social species is discussed.  In
fact, I am particularly interested in temperate bee species both solitary
and social.  Most of the work I have done has been on honey bees to date.
One aspect we hope will take shape on this e-mail system is the review of
published literature.  Several volunteers tell the rest of us about bee-oriented
papers they have seen.  Anyone out there, please feel free to tell us of
any study you have recently read and also about current questions and
always, sources of $$$ to support field work.  Dr. Beary, please contact
me via BITNET of phone below.  ENjoy the season..........
º  Edward E. Southwick             Department of Biology         º
º  Phone 716-395-5743              State University of New York  º
º  FAX   716-395-2416              Brockport, New York 14420     º
º  BITNET SOUTHWIK@BROCK1P         U.S.A.                        º