I got this from the catalogue of a German discount book seller:
Heinrich Friese:  "Die Bienen  Europas (Apidae  europaeae) -  nach ihren
Gattungen,   Arten,   Varietaeten    auf   vergleichend   morphologisch-
biologischer Grundlage bearbeitet".  Unchanged  reprint  (except for  an
introduction) of the edition 1895-1901. 6 parts in 2 volumes.
Translated  from the catalogue:
After  a long  time this  facsimile  edition makes  again available  the
fundamental  work of  the great  bee researcher,  who was  born 1860  in
Mecklenburg.  2 volumes  with together  1600 pages,  169 figures  and an
index. Hard cover.
Original price for both volumes: DM 350
Their price                    : DM 198
Their order number             : 207-57417
Their address                  : Humanitas Buchversand GmbH
                                 Postfach 33 06
                                 D-6200 Wiesbaden 1
                                 West Germany
Their phone number             : (+49-61 21) 37 71 64
Perhaps someone is interested.
| Rainer M. Woitok                 | Phone  : (+49-9131) 85-7811,-7031 |
| Regionales Rechenzentrum         | Fax    : (+49-9131) 30 29 41      |
| Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet | Telex  : d 629 755 tf erl         |
| D-8520 Erlangen                  | e-Mail : [log in to unmask]     |
| West Germany                     |                                   |