On October 2 (Monday) there will be a presentation of ideas on the subject:
"Evaluating the impact of honey bees and other bees on pollination."  This
symposium will be a part of the Entomological Society of America's Eastern
Brnach Meetings held at the Biltmore Hotel in Providence Rhode Island.  The
speakers are:  Prof D.H. Morse (Brown Univ, Moderator)
               Prof P G Kevan (Guelph Univ, Plant breeding sys and pollination)
               Prof J.D. Thomson (St Univ NY, Rel effectiveness of pollinators)
               Prof R.C. Plowright (Univ Toronto, Competition btwn bees)
               Dr S W T Batra (USDA Beltsville, Solitary bees as pollinators)
               Dr P F Torchio (USDA Logan, OSMIA on tree fruits)
               Dr S Buchmann (USDA Tucson, Long-term pollen records of H Bz)
               Dr R Nowogrodzki (Cornell, Changing role of beekeeping in agri)
               Prof E E Southwick (St Univ NY, Assessing impact of bees on crops
We hope you can get there!  More information from:
Prof H Y Forsythe Jr
Programm Committee
University of Maine
Dept Entomology
Orono, ME 04469     Tel: 207/581-2957