Some romanticize nature and the perfection of the flora and fauna associated with various 
organisms, however the article cites in my last contribution may cause some to pause. 

In the case of a number of farm animals (not exactly 'nature', I admit) adjusting those 
organisms using some common antibiotics improves growth and general health and is also 
proven to result in less waste of feed.

(Hopefully the usual argument that this subject provokes will occur under this subject header
and not hijack the pesticide thread).

The benefits of the antibiotic growth promoters arise from their principal mode of action
which aims to manipulate the microbial flora of the intestinal tract in most species as well as
the rumen of ruminants. The result of this interaction with the organisms of the gut is
improved digestion, metabolism and absorption of an array of essential nutrients, including
carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, minerals and vitamins. In addition, and as a result of
enhanced utilisation of their diets, supplemented animals need less feed and produce less
waste. The benefits can be broadly categorised into environmental, performance
improvement, disease control, prevention of metabolic and fermentation disorders, and a set
of other related benefits.

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