>Aug 23        27.0
>Sep 01        Oxalic vaporisation
>Sep 02       750.0
>Sep 28        45.0

Hi Don,

Thanks for sharing that.  This is an interesting topic and your records are informative. It is obvious that your method drops mites.

I'm looking at the drop on September the 2nd and comparing to my drop the day after, then looking at my drops  subsequent to treatment and have to wonder what your drops were on the 3rd, 4th, etc. 

My records to date are at http://www.honeybeeworld.com/diary/incl/bj20.h16.jpg and my ponderings are at http://www.honeybeeworld.com/diary/

Did you do any further eyeball checks of drops in ensuing days, or just verify that the treatment was effective?

Obviously, it was effective, and there was no need to keep checking, but it seems that I have become obsessed with this question -- in the short term, anyhow.  It takes up at least a half-hour a day, so I can sure understand why few bother to track the daily drops.

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