Hi all
Randy and I were on the phone this AM and were lamenting the fact that a lot of work is being done on the problems we all face, in a lot of different locations, but it is a VERY SLOW process getting this information out, despite this being the "information age".

Case in point:

"Evaluation of colony losses in Israel in relation to the incidence of pathogens and pests"
Victoria Soroker, et al. Department of Entomology, Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research Organization,

Examination and sampling for pests and pathogens of 113 hives in the winter of 2009 showed 35% of hives with Nosema and 21% with V. destructor. The most frequent viruses detected were Black Queen Cell Virus, Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus, and Deformed Wing Virus.

Received 7 October 2009 – Revised 11 March 2010 – Accepted 29 March 2010 - 
Published in Apidologie (2011) 42: 174-180, March 01, 2011

Two years from sampling to print!


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