>I checked the thread and as far as I can see nobody ever mentioned the time of year when you treated.  You merely said >at "this" time of year meaning the time when you treated and Bob misunderstood it to mean "now".

Well, the first sentence of my first post from 05 May in the original thread read:

"I have mentioned on here before that last fall for the first time I tried the method detailed by Jean-Pierre Chapleau (what he calls the Flash Formic method), and I really liked it."

It was in the original thread titled "Formic updates", but then I responded to an abbreviated  quote of my post by someone else that got moved (not by me) into the new thread "formic up or down" and from where Bob quoted me on 60,000 bees.  I assumed (always dangerous) that the info would remain intact across the thread, but it is clear that did not happen.  Bob would have had to have read backwards from one thread to another to see what time of year I actually meant.  A bad assumption on my part working within the limitations of the system, but, honestly, short of re-quoting the entire post, I doubt I would have added that info again.

Not trying to blame you, Allen, just pointing out why all the info was not in the post Bob read.  I think cutting down the size of posts by limiting quoting, and changing titles, when the subject drifts, are good ideas.  But, it does mean that information in a post sometimes does not survive the various moves that can occur with new thread titles, limited quoting, etc.  It's just the flip side of the issue.

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